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Congratulations 🏆 Award Winners

It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of the prestigious 2023 Arkansas GIS Symposium Awards. These individuals and organizations have demonstrated exceptional skills, knowledge, and contributions to the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Their accomplishments serve as shining examples of true professional excellence in GIS application and practice.


Lifetime Achievement Award

Tammy Hocut | US Forest Service (Ret)
This distinguished award recognizes an individual for their outstanding contribution and long standing commitment to the Arkansas geospatial community. Candidates for this award include those whose pioneering spirit and demonstrated dedication have contributed greatly to GIS in Arkansas and whose example serves as an inspiration to others. Nominees may be any current or former member of the Arkansas GIS User's Forum.

Tammy Hocut worked for the United State Forest Service for 34 years, December 1988 to December 2022. Tammy has been a part of the AR GIS Users Forum since the 1990s and specifically on the workshop committee as a member and Committee Chair when the Forum started offering workshops in the early-mid 2000s until 2021. She was instrumental in getting GIS Started on the Ozark-St. Francis NFs in the early-1990s with a Sun workstation. She was a leader in the technology from that point forward always looking ahead to see what was coming and how the USFS could use it to offer better products for users.

Tammy is staying active in GIS by continuing to support wildfire suppression and developing products for Newton County. Tammy has spent her career focusing on forest resources and embraced GIS technology as a tool to assist in forest management and continues to contribute to the field of GIS. Because of her leadership and continued service Tammy deserves the Lifetime Achievement Award.


Excellence Award

Jonathan Duran | Arkansas GIS Office
The Arkansas GIS User's Forum Excellence Award recognizes user organizations for their outstanding application of geospatial technology. Candidates for the Excellence Award demonstrate dedication, insight and a high degree of initiative in implementing successful geospatial systems. The award recognizes the accomplishments of organizations whose success and attention to quality leads others by example.

Jonathan is no stranger to the Arkansas GIS Community. His formal journey on the geospatial path started at the University of Arkansas at Monticello many years ago earning a degree in Forestry and then on to Colorado State earning a Masters Degree. In 2010, Jonathan started working at the Arkansas GIS Office – what we all like to call AGISO, and this is where Jonathan has really made his impact. .

Jonathan’s knack for navigating legislation and overseeing statewide initiatives is evident in his day to day responsibilities. His talent for knowing every county judge, his geographic knowledge of the state, and his service to the GIS Users Forum is rarely matched. Above all, his passion for GIS and his drive to improve spatial information and policies across the nation through the National States Geographic Information Council is why Jonathan should be recognized. We’re lucky that he calls Arkansas home and that he puts so much effort into showcasing how Arkansas excels in GIS.


Excellence Award

Daniel Phillips | Division of Land Surveys
The Arkansas GIS User's Forum Excellence Award recognizes user organizations for their outstanding application of geospatial technology. Candidates for the Excellence Award demonstrate dedication, insight and a high degree of initiative in implementing successful geospatial systems. The award recognizes the accomplishments of organizations whose success and attention to quality leads others by example.

Among it's statutory duties, the Arkansas Division of Land Surveys is charged with: (1) preserving and perpetuating the public land survey system (PLSS) in Arkansas by maintaining section corners and associated monuments, and (2) receiving, cataloging, distributing plats completed by professional surveyors. The current staff of the Division recognized the power of GIS to augment its mission and provide exemplary service to professional surveyors, the GIS community, and the public.

The Division staff continually explores and develops new ways to bring to bear the power of survey grade data to improve the spatial accuracy of the state's PLSS feature dataset. By doing so, spatial improvements can be made to other critical datasets including cadastre, administrative boundaries, and election geographies . Together, the agency's GIS staff and land surveys staff have positioned the state to be a leader and a role model for collaboration among GIS practitioners and professional surveyors.


Distinguished Service Award

Deano Traywick | City of Fort Smith
This award is bestowed on an individual for extraordinary personal contribution to the mission and success of the Arkansas GIS Users Forum. Candidates for this esteemed award have demonstrated many years of dedicated service to the Arkansas GIS User's Forum, giving unselfishly of their time and energy. Their purposeful commitment has made a definitive and positive impact on the state.

Winners of the Arkansas GIS User's Forum Distinguished Service Award will be inducted into the Arkansas GIS User's Forum Hall of Fame at the Biennial Arkansas GIS User's Forum Symposium. Nominees may be any current or former member of the Arkansas GIS User's Forum.

None of us will have a hard time knowing who Deano is or why he’s receiving this award. In 2017 Deano was nominated and accepted the position to chair of the Arkansas GIS Users Forum and we’ve been enjoying his leadership, dedication, and those dang “get to know you” games ever since.

Many of us have had the chance to “grow up” with Deano. He’s no stranger to the Forum as a participant since the early 2000s and his career path includes everywhere from ArDOT to UALR to Fort Smith now. His obvious devotion to the GIS field and eagerness to serve as the Forum’s chair can’t be appreciated enough.

Deano had led us through 2 in-person Symposiums, 4 in-person Spring Meetings, and quite a few virtual Forum GIS events through COVID to ensure that the Forum remained active and engaged. Aren’t we lucky that we had someone in this position that put so much effort into unifying us across the state?

Deano’s fellow Executive Committee members echo loudly that he warrants this recognition and are truly thankful that he served in this role so willingly. Deano – we’re beyond grateful for you and your service to the Forum – please accept this award as a reminder of our thanks and when you look at it, know that your service allowed the Forum to impact and inspire GIS users across Arkansas. Thanks so much!


Best Applied Project

Jake Norris | ARDOT Bridge Inspection Drone Use
Category for submissions that focus more on the real world application of the GIS project. These submissions may or may not include analyzed data but should concentrate on applied use of the results and changes made based on what was learned.

This poster endeavors to provide a comprehensive visualization of the utilization of drones within the Bridge Inspection framework overseen by the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT). The primary focus is on unveiling the geographical footprint of drone flights and the evolution of their use.

In essence, this map serves as an informative tool, encapsulating the ARDOT's commitment to innovation in Bridge Inspection. It not only chronicles the evolution of drone usage but also provides a visual narrative of the expansive coverage achieved through numerous flights. As we explore the skies, we gain unparalleled insights, ensuring the continued efficacy of our inspection processes.


Best Cartographic Design

Mike Morisette | City of Fayetteville Basemaps
Category should focus on the visual presentation of the map. This category can show the data and analysis process but the theme or focus will be the cartographic principals and presentation of the map.

The City of Fayetteville GIS Office maintains a full suite of custom basemaps used across our applications. All can be explored from the Basemap Gallery widget in the linked web map. These maps have developed and improved over the years and have largely been a group effort amongst the office.

The Streets basemap is designed for standalone viewing as well as printing. It is comparable to the Esri basemap of the same name.

The Streets (Gray) and Streets (Dark) basemaps are designed for overlaying data on top of. They are comparable to the Esri Light Gray Canvas and Dark Gray Canvas respectively.

The Topographic basemap has a niche use for when natural features are of interest. It is comparable to the Esri basemap of the same name.

The Hybrid Imagery basemap also has a niche use for when imagery is desired to be viewed with other basemap layers. It is often utilized for data collection and is comparable to the Esri basemap of the same name.


Best Data & Analytic Presentation

Jacob Loomis | Public Facilities in the Path of Totality
Category will fit for research related projects that have real quantitative or qualitative data analysis and the related results or conclusions. It would also fit for any non-academic submissions that show the data side of the GIS project or program and how it was analyzed.

The path of totality for the total eclipse occurring on April 8th, 2024 will pass directly through Arkansas. Dubbed the 2024 Great North American Eclipse (by some media sources), this will be the last total solar eclipse visible from the contiguous United States until 2044 (Nasa). An estimated 32 million people live along the path of totality with many major population centers within 200 miles.

Findings from the 2017 total solar eclipse indicates that almost all travelers going to the path will travel by personal motor vehicle. While traffic congestion in the days leading up to the eclipse experience little increase, there will be a "major, immediate, post-eclipse exodus" away from the path of totality (Upchurch, Transportation Research News 2018). Like the 2017 eclipse, the 2024 eclipse will occur on a Monday. This increased tourism traffic poses significant safety concerns for work places and schools that decided to remain open that day. These are all of the public facilities.


Best Interactive Web Application

Anthony Dao | Arkansas Crash Analytics Tool
Category is for the overall experience of the website. Focus should be on the ease of use, speed, relevant content, and visual presentation of the data. Any GIS related interactive web application or service should apply.

The Arkansas Crash Analytics Tool (ACAT) is a dashboard created by the ARDOT's Traffic Safety Section in the Planning Division. It showcases the most recent finalized 5-year crash data (currently 2018-2022) in Arkansas through the use of dynamic charts and indicators to display crash statistics by map viewing area. Crashes can be explored through a combination of filters to explore different emphasis and geographic areas. It is designed to be an educational tool to generalize crash trends and where they are occurring.


Best Story Map

Ozlem Polat | Recreational Trails Program
Category is for the overall experience of a story map. Focus should be on the ease of use, understanding, relevant content, and visual presentation of the data. Any GIS related story map that includes mapped data should apply.

The Recreational Trails Program is funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Job Act (IIJA).

The following project types are eligible for funding:

Construction and Major Maintenance

  • Motorized Trails

  • Non-motorized Trails

  • Multi-use Recreational Trails

Development and Rehabilitation

  • Trailside

  • Trailhead Facilities

  • Trail Linkage

2022 Application Cycle:

Total 46 applications

  • 45 Non-Motorized Project Applications

  • 1 Motorized Project Application

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