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2019 Symposium 🏆 Award Winners

Distinguished Service Award

Chad Hicks, Fidelis Ltd.

This award is bestowed on an individual for extraordinary personal contribution to the mission and success of the Arkansas GIS Users Forum. Candidates for this esteemed award have demonstrated many years of dedicated service to the Arkansas GIS User's Forum, giving unselfishly of their time and energy. Their purposeful commitment has made a definitive and positive impact on the state. Winners of the Arkansas GIS User's Forum Distinguished Service Award will be inducted into the Arkansas GIS User's Forum Hall of Fame at the Biennial Arkansas GIS User's Forum Symposium. Nominees may be any current or former member of the Arkansas GIS User's Forum.

Innovator Award

Tina Thompson & Shannon Scott, WAPDD

The Arkansas GIS User's Forum Excellence Award recognizes user organizations for their outstanding application of geospatial technology. Candidates for the Excellence Award demonstrate dedication, insight and a high degree of initiative in implementing successful geospatial systems. The award recognizes the accomplishments of organizations whose success and attention to quality leads others by example.

Excellence Award:

Brittany Berry, EAST Initiative

The Arkansas GIS User's Forum Excellence Award recognizes user organizations for their outstanding application of geospatial technology. Candidates for the Excellence Award demonstrate dedication, insight and a high degree of initiative in implementing successful geospatial systems. The award recognizes the accomplishments of organizations whose success and attention to quality leads others by example.


Best Cartographic Design:

City of Hope Zoning, Subdivisions, and Flood Hazard Area

by Darrell Allen, City of Hope

Best Data and Analytic Presentation

2019 Arkansas River Flooding

by Eric Callahan, CTEH

Best Applied Project

2019 Historic Arkansas River Flooding

By Maria Owen, Arkansas GIS Office

Best Web App

Little Rock Historic Sites Viewer

by Thomas Melton, City of Little Rock

Best Story Map

Razorback Regional Greenway

by Elizabeth Bowen, Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission

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